Daniel Frampton | Software Developer, Educator, Mentor

In addition to my training as a software developer in Rails, Ruby, and JavaScript, I'm a mature leader with a diverse set of soft skills. I'm detail-oriented and able to quickly adapt to new contexts; a clear written and verbal communicator who excels at problem-solving while advocating for those impacted by decisions; and a gifted educator and architect of systems for personal development.

I desire to create systems that develop people personally and professionally, leverage connectivity for social good, and craft technology that improves rather than replaces our embodied lives.

Highlighted Projects

Rosetta | Python icon Flask icon React icon Redux icon GraphQL icon Paired 2.0 | Ruby on Rails icon React icon Redux icon GraphQL icon Whether Sweater? | Ruby icon Ruby on Rails icon Treasure Trove | Ruby icon Ruby on Rails icon Rales Engine | Ruby icon Ruby on Rails icon Ruby On Braille | Ruby icon Ruby on Rails icon